Act Justly and Love Mercy

Many today are concerned that relief should only go to the “deserving” poor. Yes, we should always seek in our giving of aid, that we are helping people towards sustainable self-sufficiency. However, we must be ever so careful about using the word “deserving” when it comes to showing mercy. Are we ever deserving of God’s mercy? If a person is completely deserving – is our aid, really mercy?  Presently, the eight children being cared for in the Victory Home range in age from 11 years to 20 years of age. Their health is stable and they all are receiving age-appropriate education or training. Below is a current photo taken at the home in October.

Front row from left to right:    Divya – Jaya – Hari – Rajya Lakshmi – Lavanya
Back row from left to right:     Sai Kiran – Ganesh – Prakesh

According to UNICEF India there are 220,000 children infected by HIV/AIDS in India. It is approximated that every year 55,000 to 60,000 children are born to mothers who are HIV positive. There are 2-3 million people in India living with HIV/AIDS.

It is estimated that 70,000 children below the age of 15 are infected, with 21,000 children being infected through mother-child transmission every year. HIV infection in extremely young children is especially fatal, although young children progress through the disease at a much faster rate.

The key for young children is early detection, nutritional supplements and medical treatment especially antiretroviral therapy (ART) is essential for survival. We are grateful that all of our children in the Victory Home receive this medicinal therapy through the generous donations of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Often children living with the disease experience a great deal of social stigma, discrimination, and they are marginalised from essential services such as education and health. A lot needs to be done in a country as vast and diverse as India with high levels of stigma and discrimination.

This is a wonderful time for churches to step up and reflect the truth of Micah 6:8, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

God reveals a special compassion and protection for the poor and marginalized throughout the Bible. People who truly understand God’s grace, will not be quick to give up on anyone – because God’s mercy is not based on our worthiness.

Thank you for your continued support of these children, as your loving support is making a difference both in time and for eternity!